Donald Jay Beardslee’s execution is scheduled for January 19, 12:01AM
The Clemency Board hearing in his case is this Friday.
The bad news is that the Board of Prison Terms (the Clemency Board) has only heard from one person as of today.
The good news is that we now have the contact info of EXACTLY the right person to bombard with our message in support of clemency! The clemency hearing is this Friday, so please act now.
Read the information below, then email or fax or call Ms. James TODAY!
(An easy way is to cut and paste from the supportive reasons below and then add your personal note at the beginning and end…)
The following is from Joanne Berlin if the LA Chapter of Death Penalty Focus.
Hello all,
The person to contact is Kay James, who works with the Board of Prison Terms – her email is kjames@bpt.ca.gov in case you would like to do the same.
Also, when I called the Board of Prison Terms this morning to ask them to recommend clemency, they put me through to Connie Axelord who I believe is the “case worker” or at least the person assigned to this case. She shocked me by saying that this was the first call she had received about the hearing on the 14th, and she was nice enough to give me her fax # - so those of you who can fax, the number is (916)322-5691.
To keep it brief, I’m urging each of the commissioners on the Board of Prison Terms to recommend clemency to the governor for these reasons:
1) No execution should be carried out in California while the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice (created by SR 44 - Burton) is conducting research on the causes of wrongful conviction and the application of the death penalty in California.
2) Mr. Beardslee warrants executive clemency for three compelling reasons, none of which were available to the jury that sentenced him to death (for more detailed information, please visit www.hcrc.ca.gov ).
a. The jury was unaware of the extent to which Mr. Beardlee's actions were controlled by severe brain damage that has impaired his functioning since birth. This brain damage was exacerbated by a car accident that occurred in 1961 and a falling tree which struck Mr. Beardslee in the head in 1968. (View supporting scientific documents at www.hcrc.ca.gov)
b. Although the jury requested information from the trial court about the punishments imposed on Mr. Beardslee's co-defendants, the court refused to provide any information. Thus the jury was left without the ability to weigh the relative culpability of the various participants. Mr. Bearslee's role in the crimes, especially when compared to those of the co-participants and when taking into consideration his limited mental functioning, does not warrant the ultimate punishment.
c. The jury's decision to sentence Mr. Beardslee to death was based partially upon the mistaken belief that he would pose a danger if sentenced to Life Without Parole; however, Mr. Beardslee has been a model prisoner for more than 20 years and has fully cooperated with the prison staff.
3) Executing Mr. Beardslee cannot return the victims to their families. It will only help to further the brutalization of our society through another state sponsored killing.
Tuesday, January 18th
7 PM: Vigil at the Westwood Federal Building
(11000 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90024)
8:30PM: March to a nearby church for an interfaith service