"Maybe to this guy he is taking them to a historic event--And historic in what sense?"
It's a Presidential Inauguration. That doesn't qualify as a viewable historic event?
"That his guy gets to stay in the white house? That THEY won? Or the truth, that they pulled the wool over a nation's eyes and cheated their asses back in? "
Based on what you wrote how do you know he was a Republican, was he complimenting Bush? What was it that set you off that this is some kind of indoctrination trip? What was the context of the hard work quote?
"He takes impressionable youth to this thing. In their minds'--wow, I get to take a trip that I've never taken before.' Maybe the thought will get a step further to equate who/what helped make this trip possible for them--a Republican. Not a Dem. "
So taking kids to an event equals indoctrination?
"Think about it. Who's ethics are 'hard work?'"
I was speaking of the kids hard work. Who knows what they had to do to go on this trip? It may have been grades, it may have been fundraising(for themselves for the trip), it may have been a combination.
"And why couldn't they work hard and earn a trip to something else that isn't so obviously endorsing a conservative/Republican agenda?"
I don't know. Going to DC to see an inaugaration is pretty cool though. Especailly for anyone politically interested regardless of who is getting inaugurated. Since you seem light on info, do you know if this trip had been planned post-election? Its certainly possible that this trip has been planned before that.
"I'm sorry if I'm the only one, but this stinks to me and I don't like it. I'm thankful I don't have children and particularly not in this guy's classroom. I think he sucks! "
Don't be sorry. Though I do think you have the sensitivity meter set on apocalypse is upon us. You seem to be pretty light on info and ready to jump to conclusions.