Today I went to a protest and was given some Lyndon LaRouche literature. There was an article about Schwarzenegger, written by Harley Schlanger and Paul Gallagher, which contained some statements that slightly contradicted what I thought I knew about California before and after Schwarzenegger took over. The first statement was: He borrowed huge amounts of money while repealing taxes on the wealthy. I did not think that Schwarzenegger had repealed taxes on the wealthy. Maybe LaRouche is referring to the repeal of the tripling of the car tax? The second statement was: California's nonpartisan legislative financial office reported that in Schwarzenegger's one year as Governor, the state's total debt has ballooned from $33 billion to $51 billion; debt payments have shot up from 3.4% of the budget, to a ruinous 6.4%, and are projected to continue rising fast. I thought California's debt was $8 billion when Davis was recalled. The third statement was: In the last few months, the estimated budget deficit for next fiscal year has jumped from $ 6.7 billion to at least $8.1 billion. Once again, I thought California's debt was $8 billion when Davis was recalled and then rose to $12 billion and then to about $15 billion after Schwarzenegger took over. I may have just confused the deficit with the debt. So can someone from California tell me if the statements in the article are true.