Progressive Democrats of San Diego (PDSD) will be meeting monthly in the North County area. PDSD is an affiliate of Progressive Democrats of America, a national organization endorsed by former Governor Howard Dean, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. John Conyers and other notable liberal and progressive leaders. PDSD is devoted to remaking and revitalizing the Democratic party by promoting progressive values, policies and ideals at local, state and national levels. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 22nd, location to be determined. For information about PDSD and an update on meeting location, please visit us at www.pdsandiego.org, email hunterd@sbcglobal.net, or call 760/414-9053.
Eventually, PDSD hopes to develop groups in other parts of San Diego county, so those of you who don't live in North County, come to a meeting and let us know you may want to help put together a group in another region.