scratching sound you hear is California Secretary of state Kevin Shelley hanging on by his fingernails.
It's a futile effort. Whether he is impeached or resigns, Shelley must go and soon. The latest scathing audit, this one from the state Personnel Board documents Shelley's irrational and abusive behavior toward staff. Auditors also found evidence of violations of state civil service and personnel rules.
In one case highlighted in the audit, a $55,000-a year-job was posted for only six hours the day before Thanksgiving; applications were accepted only in San Francisco between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. That particular job was filled by Andrew Lee, the son of Julie Lee. She was a major Shelley campaign contributor and the principal target in a criminal probe into allegations that state funds that then-Assemblyman Shelley helped secure to build a community center ended up in his campaign coffers.