It might interest readers in this group that what has transpired here in the Golden State is of great interest in the East, particularly Georgia. I heard from my frineds at Verifiedvoting.org over the weekend on the Shelley issue. I have been working with activists in the e-voting controversy since 2000. Georgia was ground zero in this whole e-voting "experiment" that resulted in such anomalies as the election of the first republican governor since the 1870's (who also reversed the polling by some 11 points overnight). Among other notable anomalies- in Texas in 2002 using the Diebold systems included several winning candidates receiving the exact same number of votes-18,181. But to get back to the point of this letter, these activists (from Verified Voting . Org) have said Shelley's resignation is a "shout out" to secs of State nationwide considering fighting the imposition of these voting systems. Gotta Tell ya, the SF Chronicle is owned by the (NY based ) Hearst Corp which has a storied and clear agenda of promotion of both war (all the way back to the yellow journalism fueled Spanish-American War) and the political aims of some pretty serious neocons.
So take those "exposes" with a grain of salt.
Oh , and if you think every politician who hires a friend's son or uses other forms of patronage is suspect, or should resign guess what.......
So bottom line here, this was hardly an objective investigation, but rather an implied threat that "eventually ,we'll find something, you'll go bankrupt fighting us, and we'll see you in jail --or resign " choice. We all know since the days of Whitewater this "witchunt" technique of investigation is favored among the neocons.
So I'm aware of these allegations , but they are just that. I really lean more towards Georgia verified Voting's viewpoint; since no investigation existed or was talked about prior to Shelley sueing Diebold for fraud and winning.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Neocons and coincidence seem to go together. Mike Hickerson