for the state. Not familiar with him. Pat Driscoll is the Green candidate, Leonard Padilla as an Indpendent. John Reiger for Peace and Freedom. Then a Gale Morgan as Libertarian and about 4 Repubs, none of whom I'm familiar with offhand.
I frequently listen to Craft also and she recently had Julie Padilla on her show. Pat Driscoll too another day but I didn't really catch much of that specific discussion.
Yup, I'm looking at Julie Padilla in the primary. Thanks for the link!
BTW a Sacto Bee article on Matsui selling her investments in partnerships controlled by by her "longtime friend," developer Angelo Tsakopoulos., as Jesse Unruh noted, "Money is the mother's milk of politics," then Tsakopoulos is one of the regional politicians' most notable wet nurses.
An interesting tidbit on his influence and activities, for one example, from a 1999 SF Weekly article:
"Vicki Lee, leader of the Sacramento Sierra Club, claims that Tsakopoulos is the mastermind behind much of the sprawl encircling the Sacramento metropolitan area. "He is able," Lee says, "to stand up at a meeting of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and redraw the urban services boundaries on the chalkboard. And the supervisors nod, and vote for whatever he says. He can throw a mound of dirt around a subdivision, and have it removed from the flood plain."
As the acknowledged leader of a dozen Laguna Creek-based developers, Tsakopoulos has looked out for the big picture. He and Angelides own -- or have sold -- thousands of acres between Routes 5 and 99, in Greater Laguna Creek. After the EPA surrendered to the needs of Live Oak II at the headwaters of Laguna Creek, Tsakopoulos got a green light to develop residential neighborhoods and shopping complexes throughout the area. Additional flood control projects have turned the creek itself into a sluice; hundreds of acres of land have been brought out of the flood plain; and brightly colored malls are springing up where the vernal pools used to be." just followed up this thought since I was wondering, with all the stuff going on with the Bush Administration and Congress, why Doris Matsui is running a TV ad about the importance of flood control....