State GOP delegates give Schwarzenegger early endorsement
By TOM CHORNEAU, Associated Press Writer
Last Updated: February 12, 2005, 05:00:32 PM PST
SACRAMENTO (AP) - While Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger remains quiet about his plans for re-election, a key committee of the California Republican Party agreed Saturday to a rule change that would allow an early endorsement of the popular governor.
Saying rival Democrats are already raising money for their 2006 gubernatorial candidates, state GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim asked for the rule change so that his party will be able to pay for some early expenses - such as bulk mailing - for Schwarzenegger should he decide to run next year.
"The Democrats are doing it as we speak," Sundheim said. "If we don't, it would put us at a real disadvantage."
The routine issue that typically would receive little attention sparked a controversy Friday when a longtime GOP activist, Dora Kingsley, resigned her seat on the party rules committee over the proposal.
Kingsley, who has not returned calls from The Associated Press and did not attend Saturday's committee, said in a letter distributed to the press that the change could "lead to loss of the voters' confidence" by discouraging challengers.