California's leading man was not allowed to walk the red carpet last night into the screening of "Be Cool" at Sacramento's Crest Theatre because hundreds of nurses, teachers, teamsters, iron workers, seniors, service employees, long shore workers and students blocked his way in protest of Arnold's cash register politics and wasteful special election plans. The Governor's SUV was forced to move into the alley where the Governor snuck in the back door (See an event photo at:
A nurse in scrubs had a ticket to the event but was removed from her seat, where she silently sat, then was quarantined and interrogated. Another nurse, in street clothes, confronted Arnold inside, but he offered a patronizing response ("I always give nurses an audience") and she was escorted out by the Highway patrol and questioned by them. But the California Nurses Association spoke to the Governor through a full page NY Times advertisement today ˆ download it at: The "Be Cool" screening should be a reminder for the Gov that he is wearing out his welcome with real Californians who are increasingly learning that he is abusing his power and their trust. (Read today's Arianna Huffington column on this point at: .) California has a new back door man. If Arnold wants to be allowed in the front door again, a good step would be to call off his special interest special election.