Political posts at work?
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Tue Feb-15-05 11:04 PM
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I work for a city here in California. In our employee lounge area there is a cartoon someone tacked on the bulletin board area of Clinton/Kennedy/and Kerry. Obviously put up by a freeper.
Anyway, is it legal to post political ideology statements/cartoons in the workplace of public employees? I vaguely remember that it is a no no here in the public sector.
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Tue Feb-15-05 11:05 PM
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1. I work for a univ. - that kinda says it all - no problem here. |
Edited on Tue Feb-15-05 11:06 PM by woodsprite
Some of the banks around here don't even let you put up photos of your family on your desk in a frame (Citibank, MBNA, etc.)
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Tue Feb-15-05 11:16 PM
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2. I Would Think It Would Be Illegal |
Talk with your employer. And if it is legal, you have a little fun as well! :evilgrin:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:46 AM
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