Casinos in San Diego
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Fri Feb-25-05 11:35 PM
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Have you driven through the reservations of Rincon and Pala and seen the living conditions? I thought the casino money was suppose to help these people. Something smells funny here.
Also, who regulates the gaming machines?
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Sun Feb-27-05 05:43 AM
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1. They seem to be doing well |
in Barona and Viejas. :shrug:
And who cares about the machines? Anyone feeding quarters into a slot machine deserves to lose their money.
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Sun Feb-27-05 02:20 PM
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2. they are doing just fine in Coachella Valley |
P Sprgs and Indio, and Cabazon. Don't worry about the Indians. Worry about Groper trying to pay the state's bills by extorting the Indians.
sea dee
(99 posts)
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Wed Mar-02-05 12:51 AM
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3. Casino's may destroy tribes |
I don't know how the Casino's work but I know that the local one basicaly doesn't employ Natives. :(
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:46 AM
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