COLORADO - THE COORS LEGACY: Republicans yesterday nominated Pete Coors for the Senate in Colorado. Coors has an illustrious family history of funding far-right-wing organizations, and being connected to racist and anti-gay movements. As documented in his book, "The Coors Connection," author Russ Bellent points out that Pete allowed the Coors Foundation to continue funding the Council for National Policy, a right-wing group whose board member, Richard Shoff, was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. Bellent also points out the Coors Foundation "gave $2500 in 1981 to the ultra-rightist Patriotic American Youth, Inc., a group which also distributes explicitly racist literature." And Pete Coors's uncle, William Coors, told a group of African-American businessmen in Denver that blacks "lack the intellectual capacity to succeed." Ironically, the Coors campaign has likened Sen. John Kerry (D) to a convicted KKK murderer. Coors has promised that, if elected to the Senate, he would make lowering the drinking age a top priority – a move that would conveniently aid his beer business.
Related urls included in this report Richard Schoff: Coors' smear of Kerry: drinking age: