Edited on Wed Aug-18-04 04:43 PM by Goldom
I saw so many yard signs on my drive out and back home yesterday that I decided to count today. There is a 2nd route home as well, so I will count the additional ones there tomorrow and add it. For now, however, it consists of vaguely- one block below Alameda, to Emerson, up to 6th, down to Colorado, up to 17th, then left to Montview. Return is Montview to Colorado, to 8th, to Washington, and left to 1st, then right. Here are the results - Numbers in parenthesis are counting multiple signs of the same type on a single house.
President: (D)Kerry or Kerry/Edwards: 4 (5) (R)Bush or Bush/Cheney: 0 (0) ANTI-Bush: 4 (5)
Senate: (D!)Ken Salazar: 24 (30) (including one person who had 4) (D~)Mike Miles: 7 (8) (R!)Pete Coors: 2 (2) (R~)Bob Schaffer: 0 (0)
House: (D)Diane Degette 3 (3) (?)Chicas (not sure who he is but I think it's house): 2 (2)
DA (already decided): (D~)Beth Mcann 1 (2) (D!)Mitch Morrisey: 1 (1) (D~)That other guy I forget name Walsh or something: 0 (0)
I also got bumper stickers, though almost all were on parked cars that I pass every day:
Kerry or Kerry/Edwards: 4 Bush: 1 Salazar: 1 ANTI-Bush 3
And last, the race we've all been waiting for...
For Rent: 39 For Sale: 25