to reclaiming state govt from the right-wing.
Message from Ken:
ThisMatters: Not for right-wing Republican eyes--Honor System.
The restrooms in the Tattered Cover bookstore are in the basement. That is why you are getting this email. I had to go to the basement.
The lower level is also where they do book signings. I ran across Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's former campaign manager, selling his book on the use of the internet in politics--The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.
I told Trippi that I was trying to overthrow a right-wing Republican monopoly in my state. A monopoly that had caused Colorado's government to be more about gays, guns and God, than education, health care, jobs and the environment. I told him that I had an email list of several thousand and that I was trying to get my head around what to do. He told me to buy a copy of the book. It would help me. Trippi wrote in the cover. 'Ken-Thanks for leading the bottom up revolution of ideas. We need more like you.' Joe Trippi.
He was too complimentary, but I am not sure what the etiquette of book signing ceremonies is. Perhaps exaggeration is allowed. Anyway, I am doing what I told him I was going to do. I have to now. He wrote it in my book.
This would be a good place for right-wing Republicans with high blood pressure to stop reading.
However, if you are a moderate Republican, an unaffiliated voter or a Democrat keep on.
Shortly after the book signing I registered a new internet domain is about empowering the people of Colorado to pull our government back into the mainstream.
At this time of year many are focused on the Presidential or other Federal races but what Colorado's legislature does matters to your life.
When the legislature spends more time making sure that there are concealed handguns on Colorado's streets, parks and public areas than it spends on making sure we have excellent public schools-- you, your family and your community suffer.
When the Senate holds hearings on whether the professors at our universities are too liberal, instead of trying to help preserve our universities, in the face of devastating funding cuts--you, your family and your community suffer.
When the Colorado House Judiciary Committee spends its time trying to impeach a judge whose offense was trying to shield a child from anti-gay prejudice, rather than trying to ensure basic judicial services -- you, your family and your community suffer.
Colorado has a right-wing executive and legislative branch. Because right-wing activists vote in disproportionately high numbers in Republican primaries, moderate Republicans with mainstream values (and there are many) tend not to get to the legislature.
Your government is way to the right of where the people of Colorado are. Way.
We can do something though. This is what elections are for. Our best chance to get some balance in Colorado's government is for one or two right-wing Republicans to lose their seats in the Colorado Senate.
The Republicans currently have a one vote majority in the Colorado Senate. One vote! Because of this slim majority every Senate committee chair is a Republican and every committee has a Republican majority. The President of the Senate, John Andrews is..well you know. If the Republicans lose one seat, all of this reverses.
This goal is focused and attainable. It will make Colorado's government more mainstream, more responsive to our citizens. Less wacko.
The people of Colorado can make this change and can help.
Do this for me--actually for us. Forward this email to your list. Let's get the word out.