The Larimer Democrats are trying to sponsor a Rock the Vote concert in Fort Collins. They're $1000 shy of the needed funds. We will of course be getting the word out to local groups as well, but I told the organizer I'd post here in case some good, kind, and politically savvy Coloradans might feel moved to support this worthy cause. As you probably know, 18-24 year olds vote overwhelmingly Democratic, so it behooves us to get them registered and to the polls. So here's the pitch I received today. Please contact Paul if you'd like to help out.
%%%%%%%%%%%% We are currently organizing a Rock the Vote Concert for September 24th, here in Fort Collins at the Aggie theater. It is a non-partisan event aimed at registering the young people of Fort Collins to vote (as well as actually getting them to vote on November 2nd and if they do register, they will be included in the GOTV effort!). Unfortunately, our funds raised are not sufficient to fully fund the concert. If you would like to donate to the concert please email Paul at pfschnides@yahoo.com or call him at (970) 388-9427. Thank you for your consideration. %%%%%%%%%%%%