ColoradoPAC believes:
that U.S. senators and representatives from Colorado should focus their efforts in Washington on the economic well-being of American working people; on the security of our nation; and on making sure that every American has access to high-quality education and health care.
that Marilyn Musgrave, Tom Tancredo, Peter Coors, and Bob Shaffer are clearly not the best representatives Colorado can send to Washington. They are part of the problem facing our country because of their ideological and religious agendas, which divert attention from our America's real problems.
that the United States is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious constitutional republic. Our elected representatives in Washington must therefore be very careful about trying to turn their own personal ideology or religious beliefs into law in defiance of our American tradition. They should particularly avoid becoming associated with measures intended to restrict and marginalize people who aren't like themselves. also brought us and