I've been trying to put together "a case," if you will, about Colorado's U.S. Senate race between Salazar and Coors. Several of my family have moved to Colorado from Massachusetts and are leaning toward voting for Pete Coors. I find it hard to believe but that's what they are telling me.
This article that you've posted and the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters (re the environment) is helpful w/ its endorsement of Attorney General Salazar.
Do you have anything else, e.g., exposing Pete Coors for who he really is -- a rightwing extremist? Please see my other post in this forum (states -- Colorado) about this at:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=142x1578Anybody else what to help build a case for Salazar and against Coors?
edited to correct url