Received in email from Miles Miles.....
quote---------Dear Miles Supporter:
I am writing to you about a new organization which is working to break the right-wing Republican monopoly on state government. The name of the organization is Mike Miles has agreed to forward this email and speak at our event on Friday night, September 17th (details below). Thanks Mike.
The idea behind is that what state government does matters to your life. During a presidential election year many people do not pay attention to state races, but the Colorado legislature has as much or more more to do with the education of your children, the protection of Colorado's natural beauty, the right for workers to bargain collectively and the health of Colorado's families as the Federal government.
Currently Colorado has a right-wing Republican monopoly in the Governor's office and in both houses of the legislature.
The lead they have in the Colorado Senate is 18 Republicans to 17 Democrats. The best chance we have to bring some balance to Colorado's government is to cause one or two Republicans to lose their seats. This is a focussed attainable goal.
On Thursday and Friday of this week Abdul Henderson, the marine who accompanied Michael Moore to Congress in the Movie Fahrenheit 9/11 will be speaking in Denver. Henderson has been to Iraq and has testified in Congress about his experiences. He said in the movie that he would not go back even if he was ordered to. We think it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. The two events are going to be raising money to help targetted State Senate races.
The first event is a rock concert at the Gothic theater on South Broadway on Thursday night, September 16th. WakeUpColorado's Revolution Rockfest (click on the link for more details). The cost is $20. Henderson will speak before the music.
Mike will be speaking at the second event as well as Lance Corporal Henderson. It is a screening of a new movie's screening of Hijacking Catastrophe (click on the link for more details). We are just asking people to contribute what they feel is appropriate. The movie is about how the Bush administration has used the tragedy of 9/11 for political gain. The event is at the Starz movie complex at the Tivoli with showings at 6:00 and 8:00 P.M.
Put a group together to come to one of these events. It is for a good cause.
Those of us at admired the Miles campaign. We are also trying to make a change with volunteers and small dollar fundraisers. We don't like campaigns that are based on raising boatloads of money and then beating people into submission with television ads.
We hope to see you on Thursday night for the concert or Friday, along with Mike, for the movie.
Also take a look at our Web site . Even if you can't attend one of the events, the Web site is a place where you can volunteer, contribute or just obtain useful information. If you have your own email list please forward this. Thanks for your help.
Senator Ken Gordon
-------end quote---------
Here is the Starz website for the Friday night Miles/HENDERSON mOVIE LINK..i'M GOING TO THE