there's some wild stuff coming out about her husband, a shotgun, and jail time -- of course there's so much out there already, given her extensive history of intimidating college faculty, and stirring up racial animosity on colorado's college campuses:"And in the far right corner, is tireless fringe-right organizer and Independence Institute hack-turned State Senate candidate Jessica Peck Corry! "Affirmative action bake sale," you ask?""The Independent Institute gloats in its weekly e-mail that Jessica Peck Corry, the Horowitz sock-puppet who runs the II's 'campus accountability project', spearheaded the racist CU bake sale. Here's Caldara's gloat;
"The Campus Accountability Project staffers, led by Jessica Peck Corry, have been working with the College Republicans at my alma mater CU to bring attention to CU's affirmative action practices. The Young Republicans have put together a plan for an affirmative action bake sale in which they will sell cookies to the public but charge different prices depending on the customer's race."' Faculty Hunt Crew
...are working for his alma mater, an Independence Institute operation called "The Campus Accountability Project", run by a married couple of conservative operatives named Robert and Jessica Peck Corry. Their strategy for targeting CU-Boulder faculty is here.
and of course:"GOP state Senate district 19 candidate Jessica Peck Corry, who is out knocking on tens of thousands of Arvada doors this summer—while trying to portray herself as a fresh-faced, upstart choice to represent Arvada, has left out all the good stuff; you know, the part where she's also a merciless hack and paid shill of the reactionary right."