this came from
http://www.dailykos.comI got a phone call today at home telling me that I would receive an absentee ballot and to be sure to vote absentee to make sure my vote counted.
I called the Boulder County Clerk's office and verified that I had not requested an absentee ballot and she said that they had been receiving calls all day.
YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT UNLESS YOU MAKE A SIGNED REQUEST FOR ONE. Don't wait for an absentee ballot. If you are told that you requested an absentee ballot when you get to the polling place, ask for a provisional ballot. No one can be turned away from the polls this year!
You do not HAVE to vote absentee, although if you might feel intimidated by anyone at the polling place or may not be able to make it to the polling place on Election Day I strongly encourage you to do so.
There was no identification on the caller ID and the caller did not identify themselves.
Don't let the Republican Bastards steal this election in Colorado. Donetta Davidson has already set herself up as this years Katherine Harris by attempting to deny or intimidate hundreds of Latino/a voters.
UPDATE: I called home to get messages, so I can't do the *69 thing. I did contact local papers and PFAW. Somebody in my office suggested it might have been the local "black box voting" group. Could be, but I can't imagine they would have said what they said.
Like Kerry said "this is the worst bunch of crooks and liars."