Take a look at this discussion from earlier today:
Denver Post endorsement??Here's my take on the Denver Post endorsement.
Like the Cleveland Plain Dealer, I suspect the editorial board wanted Kerry, but Post owner, Dean Singleton, is a Texas Bush super-Pioneer. In the end, the owner got his way.
But the endorsement editorial is hilarious. In paragraph after paragraph it points out where Bush has gone wrong over the last four years. Then it adds "To do" suggestions for Bush that completely conflict with his ideologocal positions and record in office!
The ONLY reason the Post editorial gives for voting for Bush is that he has "dogged resolution".
But then the endorsement says, " Our support for Bush is tempered by unease over the poor choices and results of his first term. To succeed in his second-term, Bush must begin by taking responsibility for U.S. failures in Iraq, admit his mistakes and adjust U.S. strategy."
See a contradiction here? "Dogged resolution" but he'd better "adjust U.S. strategy"!!!
This endorsement reminds me of that old saying: The words say no, but the eyes say yes.
The headline of the editorial says 'Bush for President', but the actual editorial says 'vote for Kerry'.