Just received this from www.TrueMajority.com about volunteering for Coloradoans for Voting Integrity....If you are not working on Dem or other GOTV activities, please consider helping them! ----------------------------
All this year, TrueMajority has worked with many local organizations across the country who are committed to making sure that your vote counts on Election Day. One of those great groups we met through The Computer Ate My Vote is Coloradoans for Voting Integrity (CFVI, www.cfvi.org). They’re mounting a sophisticated Election Day effort to ensure that Colorado’s computer voting systems accurately collect and record your vote. And your help is needed. Here’s what they’ve got going. On Election Day, they’ll field volunteers to polling places across Colorado to collect the publicly available data on how many people voted and post it on their Web site – for retrieval in the event of computer voting glitches or shenanigans.
Other volunteers will be staffing hotlines in Lakewood and will take down incoming reports on computer voting malfunctions or fraud.
These are easy tasks that anyone can do. But they’re really important to ensuring our democracy is allowed to function securely on Election Day.
To volunteer or learn more, call Coloradoans for Voting Integrity at 303-231-1031.
Yours in working to safeguard our democracy,
Aaron Toso Computer Ate My Vote Colorado Organizer