I am surprised by your comment that Rep. DeGette is a weak legislator. I have had the opportunity to work with her, and have learned that she is one of the most highly regarded Democrats in the House.
She was just named one of the House Democrats' Chief Deputy Whips, which is one of the top leadership positions below Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer. In addition, she is co-chair of the Choice Caucus, co-chair of the Diabetes Caucus, and a member of one of the top committees (Energy and Commerce). Rep. DeGette is one of the strongest advocates for choice in the entire Congress.
Also, Rep. DeGette and Tammy Baldwin took the lead in lobbying against the Musgrave/Allard Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. Further, Rep. DeGette was one of the toughest questioners during the corporate responsibility hearings. She is also a leader on wilderness issues and children's health.
You may be interested in reading her bio in the nonpartisan "Almanac of American Politics." This lady is going places. I would not be suprised to see her run statewide at some point.