note: posting this to GD also
from Colorado Progressive Coalition website:
Hate Group 'Operation Save America' is Coming to Colorado
Be Aware but Don't Engage (That's What They Want)
CPC Statewide Action Alert: July 15, 2005
"CPC would like to let you know that a group of bullies is traveling to Denver to hold its annual conference this year. 'Operation Save America (OSA)' protesters are coming to disrupt the Front Range with shocking imagery and inflammatory rhetoric for a week beginning July 16 and continuing through July 23.
OSA is the current incarnation of Operation Rescue, which initiated clinic blockades and other anti-choice activities in the 1980s. In other cities, OSA protesters have picketed Planned Parenthood health centers and administrative offices. They have protested in the neighborhoods of doctors and other staff members. They also include progressive churches, people of Islamic faith, and gay and lesbian people in their attacks. Their pamphlet "Abortion is murder!! Homosexuality is a sin!! Islam is a lie!!" basically describes their worldview.
To prepare for their arrival, Planned Parenthood has contacted law enforcement, national security experts, and organizations likely to be OSA targets. While recycling 20-year old health center protest tactics shouldn't be news, OSA operatives are skilled media mongers and will try to receive media attention while they are here. If they do, let's not engage them and add media attention to their extremism.
If you are outraged by 'Operation Save America', don't let the bullies define your tactics and impose their extremism on our communities..."more at link: