Citizens Project Activist Network Alert - June 30, 2006
Help Protect Colorado's Domestic Partnership Referendum!
Coloradans for Fairness and Equality (CFE) needs your help
to gather signatures. Domestic Partnership Referendum (Referendum H) is set to be on the ballot and, if passed, will provide same-sex couples many of the same rights, benefits, and responsibilities that married couples receive. Recently, the opposition has proposed another amendment that would invalidate domestic partnerships by denying legal recognition, rights and benefits to any relationship deemed similar to marriage. If this amendment passed, it could nullify the Domestic Partnership referendum.
Therefore, the Domestic Partnership Protection Amendment (Amendment 139) has been proposed, which will protect the rights guaranteed by the referendum. This proposed amendment categorizes domestic partnerships as separate from and dissimilar to marriage so that the Domestic Partnership referendum cannot be invalidated.
Citizens Project supports domestic partnerships because they promote equality and create change,
though we recognize that they do not represent full equality.
CFE needs to collect 68,000+ signatures by the end of July
so that the Domestic Partnership Protection Amendment appears on the ballot!
Sign Me Up!
What else can I do?
Here are other opportunities to volunteer with Coloradans for Fairness and Equality:
Other Canvassing
Canvassing can range from dropping literature to asking the same voter identification questions that the phone bank asks. Canvassers attend special events and also walk neighborhoods. We anticipate most of the volunteer canvass activity to happen during the summer.
Phone Banking
The job of the phone bank is to call registered voters and ask for their opinions on the matters facing voters this fall. The purpose is to identify as many supporters as possible so that we can target our Get Out the Vote efforts. Prime time for phone banking is in the evenings and on the weekends, although phone banking can be done during the day as well.
Data Entry
Data entry volunteers take the results of the phone bank and canvass and enter them into our voter database. The goal of the data entry team is to enter the previous day's data by noon the next day. Data entry can be done at any time during the day, but most of the work happens is generated in the evenings and in the mornings. This is the perfect opportunity for people who are shy, though you'd be surprised just how easy phone banking is even for introverts.
Hosting a House Party
House Party hosts invite their friends and neighbors into their homes to hear about and to donate to support the campaign. House parties are fun and informative, and they are an important way that the campaign raises money for success in November. You can get more information about house parties by visiting the house party page.
Office Assistance
Office assistance can range from folding and stuffing mailings to working the reception desk. If you are a bookworm or a Google monster, you might elect to help out our research team. If you have technical or design experience, you might elect to help on our web team. If you choose to select office assistance, you'll get an e-mail in about 24 hours describing the current needs in more detail.
Speakers are the public face of the campaign. You'll be speaking about the issues and the campaign at house parties, community events, meetings, and other venues. You'll have the opportunity to go through our Speakers Bureau training, and learn a lot about the issues at hand.
How do I sign up?
Contact Erin Bennett at or 719-520-9899 for more information and to sign up to train for any volunteer opportunity.
Thank you in advance for the gracious gift of your time and energy towards enhancing fairness and equality for all Coloradans!
For more information on all the GLBT related initiatives, visit our most recent Freedom Watch and Coloradans for Fairness and Equality forward to friends and family.
Your donation makes the Activist Network and Citizens Project's other programs possible.
Thank you for your support. postal address is
P.O. Box 2085
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901-2085
United States
Cross-posted in GLBT Forum