We FINALLY are getting a house near DTC after living in a way too small apartment for almost 5 months.
I'm looking forward to defeating Tom "Let's Nuke Mecca" Tancredo and was wondering if anybody has seen any recent polls. I can only find polls from March which show a really close race in a right leaning poll.
Let's get rid of that embarrassment Tancredo! Bill Winter served his country in the Marines while Tancredo deferred for
MENTAL HEALTH REASONS!! Is this general knowledge?
http://baseballcrank.com/archives2/2005/06/politics_the_vi_2.phpTom Tancredo (R-CO) (12/20/45) - Did not serve. According to Political State Report, Tancredo "avoided service in Vietnam by obtaining a medical deferment for mental health reasons." This and this link, from critics of Tancredo's views on immigration, are harsher in their descriptions.Here's Bill Winter's Site which includes information about his time in the Marines and his endoresement by Wesley Clark.
http://www.winterforcongress.comWhile I'd love to be able to vote down the crazy repubs in MN, defeating Tancredo would be just as sweet!