CS Independent checks in with a report that moderates in district 5 are rejecting the right wing extremism of Lamborn!
'Too far to the right'
Moderates reject Lamborn, line up for Fawcett
by Cara DeGette
"I am a Republican, and I will be supporting Jay Fawcett."
Those words — spoken by respected longtime community business leader Marv Strait — might sound like heresy to the ears of many local Grand Old Party loyalists. For many Republican officeholders, or those who may one day want to become politicians, such a public statement could very well spell for them the kiss of death. But to Strait, a Republican for 51 years, supporting a Democrat running for Congress is really no big deal.
"I've always voted for the individual, and in this case, I support Jay," Strait says.
Strait is not the only high-profile local Republican who has publicly come out for Fawcett, an Air Force Academy graduate and retired lieutenant colonel who served in Desert Storm. Last week, the day after Doug Lamborn won a hotly contested six-way Republican primary, Colorado Springs City Councilman Scott Hente threw his support behind Fawcett. James Stewart, the president of the Black Chamber of Commerce, has also endorsed Fawcett, and this week Jerry Heimlicher indicated he will likely support the Democrat.
http://www.csindy.com/csindy/current/news3.html|Too Far to the Right>