Robb's note: This letter came to the ex, a registered green. I do like Miles quite a bit, but Miles supporters have gotten to me, with the blanket statements about Salazar "supporting the war" without citations or context. It all seems a bit disingenuous to me, but I thought I'd share the letter because I'd be just as happy with either Democrat as senator.Dear Fellow Greens,
Greens now face a dilemma in the Mike Miles vs Ken Salazar race to become the Democratic candidate to replace Ben Campbell as Senator. Miles is a progressive Democrat standing for nearly all of the 10 key Green Values. He has been standing up to Democratic leadership here in Colorado. They are really angry with him for upstaging Salazar at the State Democratic Convention. Miles beat Salazar, putting his name on the first line above Salazar for the Aug. 10 Democratic primary election.
Salazar is a right-wing Democratic "Good Old Boy", who co-chairs the Republican-like
Democratic Leadership Council. Salazar supports the war, says that he would vote pretty much like Campbell, and endorsed Lieberman for president.
Miles on the other hand has a military background but opposed the Iraq war publicly long before it started. He has single payer health care as a major feature of his campaign. His positions are clearly stated and not lubricated with slip room as with many other candidates. He has pledged to keep an open log of all meetings that he holds with people outside of Congress.
For more info on the candidates, check out and
Mike overcomes the criticisms made of many progressive candidates that they are not 'electable'. Mike is clearly electable. His support has increased tremendously in the past couple months. We think he will be the stronger candidate because he is convincing and inspiring with his straight talk and commitment to progressive ideals.
Although we are uncomfortable doing this, we are asking you to join us and
temporarily register as a Democrat so that you can vote for Miles in the August primary, and then re-register as a Green right afterwards. This is easy to do. We are enclosing two registration forms...
...Typically only a small percentage of people vote in the Democratic primaries (often only about 150,000 people), and this will be a close race. This means that our votes could push Miles over the top.
We can help put a distinctive progressive candidate in the race. (Just for your reassurance, we do not in general support Democrats. We continue to support Bob Kinsey in his race for Congress in CD4 as a Green, even though there is a Democrat now running).
We really hope that you will join us! Thanks for using your vote to take progressive action.
Kell Carey
Ron Forthofer
Nancy (Harvey) McKenna
Judith Mohling
Rand Kokernot
Mark Sweitzer