I recently had to take off work for rotator cuff surgery and my annual leave (which I would have to take, as I work Saturdays) is rapidly depleting, so I told them that I couldn't attend it and they should get an alternate.
I like Joan Fitz-Gerald. She came and spoke at our state union convention in Greeley last summer (NALC Branch #47) and I was really impressed by her. She is one smart lady.
Now Jared Polis, I have a personal dislike for. Not because he is openly gay, that doesn't matter, but because of a scathing letter to the editor that he wrote a few years ago about how the Post Office should be broken up, being such a monopoly or something along those lines. To me, that is more like Republican speak.
I am a postal worker and take a lot of pride in my company. If we didn't have universal mail service, you can be sure that mail or packages to extremely rural areas of our country would be outrageously expensive, if not nil. He is also the sun of Stephen Schultz and Susan Polis-Schultz, whose lovely books embellished my early adult years back in the late seventies, early eighties. I have deep respect for them, they founded Blue Mountain Arts and have done a lot of good in general. I honestly don't know much else about him, but I was surprised to find out that he was a Democrat, as he always seemed more like a Republican to me.
I am curious to see what anyone else says about him. I admit that I formed an opinion about him that has not changed, but I am always open.