Colorado Women Against Palin presents
Road to Obama/Biden Victory Rally!!
Join Colorado men and women (and hockey moms!) in support of Obama/Biden in
Two Rallies Against Palin Monday, October 20th!
1. Colorado Springs
Meet at 6:30 am at The Entrance to Security Service Field 4385 Tutt Blvd Colorado Springs- Palin will be speaking at 8:00
2. Loveland
Meet at 10:30 am at the entrance to The Budweiser Events Center 5290 Arena Circle- Palin will be speaking at 10
Please bring clear to read signs and American flags if you have them!
Palin supporters have been asked to wear red. Please wear white if possible! Bring your t-shirts! Please be cautious when arriving, the rallies for McCain Palin have become very nasty!
Check our site for updates on time!
http://coloradowomenagainstpalin.blogspot.comFor more information, contact: Michelle W. 303-513-9589 or
Help us demonstrate how out of touch McCain and Palin are with our economy and American women!
Please print and post around your neighborhood and send this to 10 friends. We need everyone who can make it to show their support! It's not over yet!!