Here's what I've got so far, based on the amount of work, I may put together a little voter's guide, so others won't have to work as much
Amendment 46: NO. Anti-affirmative-action amendment - don't be fooled.
Amendment 47: NO. Anti-union "Right-to-work" measure. More accurately, right-to-work-for-less.
Amendment 48: NO. Anti-abortion measure that defines life and personhood as beginning at conception. Tell the fundies from Focus On The Family in Co. Springs to DIAF.
Amendment 49: NO. Anti-union. Prohibits unions from deducting dues from members' paychecks.
Amendment 50: No. Increases gambling stakes in Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek from max bet of $5 to max bet of $100, legalizes some new games like roulette and craps. I admit I'm pretty close to the fence on this one. I'll admit that I do enjoy gambling from time to time, but it helps to play chess instead of checkers and think a few political moves ahead. At first, the amendment will perform as promised and give more money to the local colleges & schools. But what typically happens is that after the schools flush with new cash for a year or two, the legislature will respond by cutting their budget in the general funds, making the schools more reliant on gambling tax funds. And gambling (and lottery money) tends to be unreliable - raking in lots of cash one year, hardly making anything the next year. That means that when the gambling money doesn't perform in a few more years, those same schools will be bleeding money, and have to make deep cuts. For that reason, I'm voting no.
Amendment 51: Yes. Sales tax increase to fund services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Yes, it's a tax increase. Yes, it's worth it. These folks need the money - putting kids with autism on five-year waiting lists to get treatment is Bad. Vote yes.
Amendment 52: Don't know yet - it's an amendment to mandate that severance tax revenues be spent on highways. Might vote no on this one because I think funding decisions like this should be made in the legislature rather than graven in stone in constitutional amendments.
Amendment 53: Yes. Criminal liability for CEOs and business owners when the break the law - no corporate veil for you!
Amendment 54: NO. Restriction on campaign contributions from government contractors - ANTI-LABOR.
Amendment 55: Yes. Turns Colorado from an At-Will state to a Just-Cause state. In other words, before an employer can fire an employee, he must have a good reason - you can't just fire someone for no reason, you have to show incompetence, poor performance, violation of employer policies, gross insubordination or misconduct, conviction of a crime of moral turpitude, employer bankruptcy, or documented adverse economic circumstances that directly affect the employer. PRO-LABOR!
Amendment 56: Yes: Requires employers with more than 20 employees to provide health insurance. YES!!! FUCK YES!!!
Amendment 57: Yes: Additional remedies to injured employees - lets employees hurt on the job seek benefits above and beyond worker's comp to help them, and mandates employers provide safe working environment to employees.
Amendment 58: YES! Increased severance taxes on oil and gas industry. You know that when Big Oil is spending millions to oppose this, it must be a good thing. Even after the tax increase, Colorado will still have severance taxes for energy industries in line with other states, and will have a decent source of new revenue.
Amendment 59: Yes. Debrucing educational spending limits. In other words, eliminate the TABOR limits on educational spending and create a savings account for education.