First, Gov. Ritter appointed that assclown Michael Bennet to the Senate to replace Ken Salazar. Strike One.
Then, he vetoed a bill which would allow workers locked out by their employers to collect unemployment. Strike Two.
Now, he vetoed another bill which would have allowed firefighters to unionize and engage in collective bargaining for better safety equipment.
Strike Three. You're OUT!!! I'm done with you!
I'm a Democrat, and I expect that the candidates and officials who wear my party's name behave like Democrats.
I expect that Gov. Ritter's enemies will descend upon him like a pack of hyenas. And I will not lift a finger to help him.
He will not see me making phone calls or pounding pavement for him in the campaign volunteer offices.
He will not see a single dime of my money in his campaign coffers.
Fuck you, Ritter.
We're probably going to have to endure four years of a Rethug dipshit in the governor's mansion before we can try again, and this time, give the new guy the admonition "Don't piss off your base. Remember what happened to Ritter..."