Just another beautiful day in Colorado, sunny and warm, just a few more days until spring. That's why tomorrow we are expecting freezing cold temps and snow. What the Hell? I was busy last weekend and couldn't get out and now this weekend I am free and it'll be kneedeep in the whitestuff (and I'm not talking nose candy).
The weekends are the time I can get out and socialize with my friends, because I don't want to spend anymore time with the people I work with during the week than I have too. The weekends are the time I can stop being the me in this reality and start being the me I want to be.
Winter really sucks because it closes off that blow-off steam time for me. I guess if I was more into the winter sports I'd like it more, but I'd rather be warm while I hike in the mountians than do a controlled fall down the snow covered slope.
It's like when I get off shift on Friday I take off the real world skin I wear everyday and put on the me world skin I feel most comfortable in. The normal people don't do what I want to do. Unfortunatly, everyone in the awake world is normal.
I had a good friend leave a few weeks back and I still miss them. They were the person that I ran around with during the week to keep me sane. I am dealing with it.
My cat has taken up the habit of jumping to the top of the kitchen cabinets and watching me when I cook. I think she feels safe up above everything, or maybe it's just a cat thing. She likes to sleep in the sink too.
Tonight- snow. Tomorrow- just another day of trying to be normal.