Dave Sirota reported this today. Here's an article about it.
"On the Peter Boyles talk radio show Wednesday morning, Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis said that if he were governor, he would seek to pass the same kind of harsh anti-illegal immigration laws recently passed in Arizona.
“I am going to wave the magic wand. You’re governor. What would you do?” Boyles asked McInnis.
“I would do something very similar
,” said McInnis, lauding Brewer for signing the legislation. “Finally some governor stood up and said ‘We are stopping the retreat. No more retreat. Federal government if you are not going to do it, we are going to do it’… because has impacts to all the parties involved in the state of Arizona… By the way, if a person has a driver’s license or a government I.D., there is a presumption of citizenship. That is not the issue. The issue is that government refuses to acknowledge that illegal means illegal.” "