"WELD COUNTY, Colo. -- Twenty three years ago, Pauli Smith spotted a grave marker beneath 6-foot tall weeds while walking along a dirt road in Weld County. It became her mission to care for the neglected site. Today, the Highland Lake Pioneer Cemetery is well manicured, but many mysteries remain.
Her long-time dream of locating and documenting unmarked graves in the cemetery may soon become reality, with the help of radar technology.
"We are sending radar waves into the ground and they are reflecting off of caskets, off of burial shafts," said Larry Conyers, professor of anthropology at the University of Denver.
He and a group of volunteer students will create a 3D map of the cemetery using data from the ground penetrating radar, as well as, good old fashioned measurements."
http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/23491249/detail.htmlTo maintain the cemetery, unused plots will be sold by the historic society to eligible locals once again.