HAVEN (AP) -- The secretary to Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and her City Hall telephone should not have been used to receive calls for a gubernatorial campaign event earlier this week, the mayor's spokesman said Thursday.
An invitation was recently sent for a campaign event at DeStefano's home following his inauguration for a sixth term on New Year's Day.
The invitations were paid for by "DeStefano for Connecticut" but did not indicate whether the event was tied to the inaugural ceremony or a gubernatorial campaign effort. DeStefano is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor. The invitations directed those who planned to attend to reply to the mayor's secretary at her city extension.
"It was a gubernatorial event and her name, it seems, should not have been there," Slap said in response to an inquiry by the New Haven Register. <SNIP>
Looks like the CT news media are trying to give Rell cover for her campaign boo-boo.