"It's an itch," Dodd told The Associated Press during an interview in his Senate office on Monday. "Could grow. Could disappear. It's an itch. It's not a bad word to use."
Dodd said he realizes that the field is rapidly starting to take shape. Other Democratic presidential hopefuls are already laying the foundation for possible White House bids, traveling to key primary states, lining up campaign staffers and courting top fundraisers.
Dodd, meanwhile, predicted that his colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., will turn back his Democratic primary challenge from Ned Lamont, who is taking sharp aim at Lieberman's support of the Iraq war.
"He prevails in all of this," Dodd said of Lieberman. "But it will make the next 18 weeks uncomfortable ... He's gotta pay attention to it, and he is."
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