In which HolyWarJoe explains why he HAS to use a petition campaign to make sure he's on the ballot in the fall?
"While I believe that I will win the August 8th Primary, I know that there are no guarantees in elections. I am very confident that if every Democrat, or even a majority of them, vote on August 8th I will be nominated by a very comfortable margin.
But, no one knows how many Democrats will come out to vote on August 8th, and few think it will be more than 25 or 30 percent. And what if my opponent, who says he is worth somewhere between $90 and $300 million decides to write bigger and bigger checks in the last weeks of the campaign?"
So that's how it is, Joe? If you lose the primary you're going to say that Lamont BOUGHT the election? that there was no way the voters rejected you fair and square?