Does Nancy Johnson have anything in her arsenal besides negative attack ads?
You would think after more than two decades in Congress, she could come up with a positive record of accomplishments, like heading the Congressional commission that investigated corruption in Iraqi contracting, or the one investigating Hurricane Katrina malfeasance. Or, how she has spearheaded fiscal responsibility in Washington these last 5 years, or how her efforts to raise the minimum wage bucked the leadership of her own party, or how she defied Dennis Hastert to call for continuing the Paris Hilton estate tax cut.
Oh, wait, she has not done any of that, or even made the attempt.
I heard an ad of hers this morning on the radio, and they kept repeating, over and over again, about how her opponent has raised taxes 27 times...27 times... 27 times...27 times. Over and over. Like the guy in “Clerks” who found our his girlfriend had had oral sex with 37 guys. 37...37...3... I don’t know why, but that old movie just popped into my head when I kept hearing the ad over and over again.
How about an accounting of how we could have spent the $300 billion+ from Iraq on improving and securing our own country? How about calling Republican leadership to account for out of control deficits, incompetence in Iraq, Medicare donut holes, corruption in government contracting, etc, etc?