Hartford, Connecticut
RSVP • Connecticut Opposes the War: Tell Washington: "Stop the War" and "Change Our Priorities"
Saturday, March 17th 2007 3PM
"$400 billion spent so far; over 3,000 Americans and hundred of thousands of Iraqis dead
and countless more wounded and displaced." Change priorities and make our cities safe,
provide health care, education and jobs for all.
Support our troops with funding for full financial and medical support for returning troops.
New Haven, Connecticut
RSVP • 4 years is too long
Saturday, March 17th 2007 11am
We will gather at the flag pole, and proceed to the corner of Church and Chapel Streets.
Bring your signs! Bring your noisemakers, bring your kids, and your grandparents.
We're all paying for this war, we should all be trying to end it!
New London, Connecticut
RSVP • Peace Witness
Monday, March 19th 2007 5:30
Commemorative - Bring signs and candles.
Peace and Justice Vigil
Weekly Event
Weekly vigil every Thursday. Bring signs, if you wish.
On January 20 wear a white armband, if you wish. Not a silent vigil
Pomfret Center, Connecticut
RSVP • Northeast CT for Peace and Justice
5:00 PM
Weekly Event
Every Thursday from 5-6 PM
A public gathering to oppose war.
Stamford, Connecticut
RSVP • Stamford says end the war
Weekly Event
every Saturday; vigil against Iraq war, signs, including Honk for Peace.
Great response from passerb ys
Reaching for 100 people to demonstrate for an end to war in Iraq. Some signs available,
or bring your own stressing theme
STamford/Greenwich says End War in IraqRSVP • Anti-War Vigil
11:30 am
Weekly Event
Every Saturday
Peace vigil in Stamford, CT until the war is over.
In front of the Ferguson Library at the corner of Broad and Bedford streets.
This is an ongoing vigil in its 66th consecutive week.
Bethlehem, Connecticut
Peace on Earth
12 PM
Weekly Event
"Peace on Earth"
West Harttford, Connecticut
RSVP • Vigil for Peace, Justice, Democracy
11:30 a.m.
Weekly Event
Every saturday morning, people from all walks of life and organizations join together at
our town center with signs promoting peace/no war, diplomacy over military, social justice,
democratic values, etc. A peace vigil takes place in our town center every saturday morning;
interestingly enough, the town has just finished making a veteran's memorial at this very corner!
Woodbridge, Connecticut
RSVP • Protest Vigil and Discussion
Thursday, March 22nd 2007 7 pm
The New Democrats Club of Amity Regional High School invites the greater New Haven area
to participate in a candlelight vigil in memory of the lives lost in the war.
Speeches by anti-war activists and a discussion about the war will follow.
More Info: