I live in Stamford and am very involved with the local party, so I am compelled to support Mayor Malloy. Mayor Malloy is a great guy. He has done a wonderful job in Stmaford and will go far. Probably a little more centrist than I would like. He has put together a very strong war chest for his 2006 Gubenatorial bid and my daughter helped a little with his campaign. His campaign website was
http://www.danmalloyforgovernor.com/ but it seems to be down right now.
I do believe that the investigation into his dealings are without merit, however, there is enough of a perception of possible wrong doings that it could hurt him.
I am also a big fan of John DeStefano
http://www.destefanoforct.com/ He seems a little more liberal, which fits my policies. Some people have questioned some of his actions and New Haven politics can be pretty messy.
Susan Bysiewicz
http://www.susanforgovernor.com/ is some what contriversial. She is a real go getter and people seem to love her or hate her.
As noted before, Dick Blumenthal is the 500 pound gorilla. Dick is great. He has done great as Attorney General, and is a very accomplished politician. I know a few people that aren't excited about him, but they are a very small minority.
The 800 pound gorilla is Chris Dodd. Many people see him running for Governor. It has been suggested that if he runs for Gov. he would plan on appointing Blumenthal to fill his senate seat. This opens up the Attorney General seat, which George Jepsen, who is currently State Chair is rumored to be seaking. With Bysiewicz currently seeking the governorship, the Secretary of State seat is open. Currently, Audrey Blondin is running for that seat
http://www.audreyblondin.com/ I don't know of anyone else currently running.
Other interesting questions remain: Will Lieberman take a position in the Bush administration? If so, what happens to his seat? If not, will he run for re-election in 2006? There has been talk of people mounting a primary challenge to him if he seems vulnerable and he does get mixed reviews by a lot of people.
Another question is, who will run for Lt. Governor. There has been some talk about a Dodd/Farrell ticket. I'm a very big fan of Diane Farrell.
Enough for this morning's edition of inside CT Politics.