This is the message that I got from the UDCLU (University of Delaware Civil Liberties Union). I also posted this in the Lounge, and Activism/Events, where I was told that I might try here!
I thought it was a good idea, so, here it is. ---
As you may know, the University of Delaware’s Civil Liberties Union, along with HAVEN, is holding a march in support of the gay community. The march will still be held Sunday May 2nd, at 1pm on Main Street in Newark, DE. The last time Main Street was closed for an event this controversial was over ten years ago, when the Ku Klux Klan paraded in the city.
Although we have informed many people about the march, we may not have stressed how important donations are to making it happen. Ultimately, this march is being planned by only a few students trying to make a difference by fighting for equality. As students with heavy workloads and busy schedules it is hard to organize an event of this size. In order for this march to become a reality, we need lots of help.
The cost of this event is nearly $5000.00, which includes shutting down the street, police escorts and promotion. This cost is too much for our organization to raise alone. We need your help to make this happen. Donations of any size are encouraged. Unfortunately, if the necessary support is not raised, the march may not happen at all.
The march is less than two weeks away. The City of Newark has given us until next Friday, April 23, to raise the money to hold this event. If we all pull together, we are sure we can reach our goal and make this event a true success!
If anyone is willing to help with funding this march at the University of Delaware, email me at ngrnwood@udel.edu or IM (AIM) me at quirk84 and I will give you the contact information for the person collecting funds for this. I have given them what I can, and I really hope that this march happens, but the UDCLU just isn't getting as much monetary support as they need.
I hope this helps a little bit.
Thanks for anyone who checks this out.