I agree. I am upset with any Democrat who voted for the Bankruptcy Bill, but with Santorum in PA, Ehrlich in MD and an open Sarbanes seat that "wolf in sheeps clothing" Lt. Gov. Michael Steele is salivating over, we have much more to worry about. Normally I would not worry too much about the Senate seat, but Steele is black and if the Dems run a white liberal against a black RWer, many blacks might 'swing' to the GOP. That could mean a major problem in Baltimore City and Prince Georges County, outside of DC, Dem strongholds that have large black populations.
I do not think Ehrlich can beat O'Malley. Ehrlich was a fluke. He ran against Kathleen Kennedy Townsend in 2002. She was Lt. Gov under Parris Glendenning, and the administration was scandal-ridden. She also was incredibly annoying, even left me a bad impression. Her campaign was embarrassingly bad. Ehrlich also came across as likable and moderate. Since then, he has shown himself to be a Bush toady, and his administration has pissed off a lot of people. He is obnoxious and immature.