Delaware: Kirkwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Newark
We knew they wouldn't dare touch Dover, where would they process all the bodies returning from their wars?
Here's the list of PROPOSED closings: comments posted on this issue really caught my eye as entirely believable:DemocracyInaction posted:
Did you ever hear the word "PLOY"???
These are proposed. You can bet that various Republican Senators and Reps are in the end going to put on the "Superman capes" and "save the day" for their areas and thus be assured of re-election in a landslide (no Dem needs to run in those areas). On the other hand, "blue is screwed" and the stupid people probably will punish these guys instead of fighting back at the GOP and ridding themselves of all the scum. Stay tuned...........this ain't over.
Al-CIAda posted:
No need for bases here when we are building 14 PERMANENT bases
abroad in Iraq. Maybe 14 more are planned for Iran, Syria, Venezuala, etc...
MADem posted:
The businesses that surround the bases where the unseen pain lies. The little mom and pop coffee shop that employs ten or fifteen folks, the bar where everyone goes after work, the little restaurant that is a great lunch spot or place to grab a bite if you work late, the car rental place outside the gate, the drycleaner, the convenience much for chimpy's support of "small business!"
You take the number of employees that are being fired from those bases, and you can probably add half again that number of people who will be tangentially effected by this round. I agree with your assessment of the situation. This is going to have a massive negative impact, and the northeast is taking it up the ass...New Jersey, Connecticut, NH/ME, even MA, with Otis.
Punished for being Blue in 04, are we?