soldiers' funerals should be off limits to anti-war protesters 04/03/2006
House Bill 371 addresses a problem that is so repugnant that its passage last Thursday was a no-brainer.
It's unfortunate though that a bill to ban protesters from interrupting the last public rites of our fallen soldiers needs to be considered.
But member of the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church make it necessary. They have vowed to expand their traveling protests against gay rights to funerals for our war dead. Until now only mourners of AIDS victims had to endure this sacrilege.
Westboro's beef is not even with our troops. They could not care less which side of the political spectrum these soldiers were aligned. In fact, their patriotism doesn't count for anything. The protesters claim that U.S. soldiers are dying because God is punishing America for tolerating homosexuality.++++++++++++++++++++++++
Please, please, please write a letter and let them know this was just blatent misleading by associating Fred Phelp's organization with soldiers funerals. I have done some work with Pacem in Terris (Peace/Anti-war organization in Wilmington) and I can assure you that none of us would ever consider protesting a funeral. Hell I support HB371
I've sent my letter in today