They just called to verify and that usually means it will be published within the next few days.
Wonder if I can start a fight on the editorial pages.
Here's the letter in today's paper that compelled me to respond.
Did you SEE this?!:
First Amendment, due process, rule of law abet terrorism
I believe we will lose the war on terror. We can win on the battlefields, if we have the will, because we have the best military in the world. We will lose at home because of the insanity of the liberal left.
Among these homegrown terrorists, who enjoy the fruits of liberty but forget their responsibilities, is the mainstream media, seemingly intent on undermining our security and opposed to making war on our enemies. For example, in clapping her hands over the Supreme Court decision banning military tribunals for captured terrorists, in her July 1 column, Rita Truschel said with respect to the sentencing of Zacarias Moussaoui that, "It proved possible to prosecute a war in court."
I won't waste words on The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.
The liberal education establishment has relegated the teaching of history to the dustbin, so that generations of Americans have little ability to draw comparisons between the current conflict and previous wars. That we have lost 2,500 troops in Iraq is indeed tragic, but Americans, aided and abetted by liberal media, fail to compare this with the 50,000-plus losses in both Korea and Vietnam, and more than 400,000 in World War II.
Liberal judges are more interested in applying foreign law to the war on terror than they are in the constitutional war powers of the president. Contrary to liberal belief, our Constitution is not a suicide pact.
And then there are the cut-and-run liberal Democrats in Washington, plus a few too many Republicans.
If our loss to terrorism is proceeding too slowly, we can hasten this American tragedy by electing a liberal Democrat as president in 2008. He or she will eviscerate our intelligence services and castrate our military, while kissing up to the media, appointing more liberal judges and further destroying our educational system.
James A. Venema, Hockessin's what I wrote. (I stopped trying to create catchy titles because they always make their own instead.)
My husband says he'll buy me dinner if they actually publish the last paragraph:==================================================================================
In response to the July 26 letter from James Venema, I feel obliged to warn him about continuing to drink the kool-aid. While doing an admirable job of repeating party line talking points he also adopts the party strategy of attacking anyone who disagrees with him. I think we can all thank Karl Rove for perfecting that technique. Never in my lifetime have I seen such hypnotic spewing of holier-than-thou opinions more publicly promoted and accepted as an alternative to actual debate on the facts.
We will lose the war on terror because terrorist tactics have been used since the birth of man. There will be no end to terror because there will always be those who believe they have been purposely exploited and held down and have no other way to fight against their oppressors. Creating a war on terror was an idea conceived by the neo-conservatives and enacted by Cheney and Rumsfeld in an attempt to grow American domination, the department of defense budget, capitalism and corporate defense contract profits. It has created the scenario for a never-ending war and will forever drain our resources, much like the similarly created and useless war on drugs.
Mr. Venema’s negative use of the word liberal, at least seven times in his short letter, is just another example of either his party line tactics or a privileged life. The word liberal is not a dirty word, no matter how hard Republicans try to make it so. Checking my American Heritage Dictionary defines liberal as “Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.” To me it means the opposite of stay the course at all costs politics. Anyone who was raised in a working class household owes more than they realize to liberals. Remember 40-hour work weeks? How about child labor laws, collective bargaining, safety regulations, and oh, yes, employee healthcare. All of us can thank a liberal for those benefits. Mostly gone or fading fast now of course. Just like our middle class.
Finally, I think Republicans’ use of the phrase “liberal media” is not only wrong but bordering on hilarious. Even putting aside Fox News and Ann Coulter and the massive conservative hate talk radio, people really need to understand that the news and media industry are pretty much owned and controlled by what’s known as The Big Ten. Do you think of liberals when you think of the corporations that lobby and are major contributors to the Republican party? I think not. Liberals are drawn to and supportive of a totally free press that can say and print whatever it wants. Do you really think that’s happening today with our news media bought, paid for and consolidated by such companies as GE, AOL/Time Warner, Viacom, Disney, AT&T and others? If so, Mr. Venema, you’re sadly mistaken and truly in need of information from a liberal media.
Hockessin, DE