You're #XO# right we're really angry
Men's Health magazine thinks Wilmington is a place be an angry somebody.
We're mad on behalf of everybody here, and we're not going to take it anymore.
The magazine singled out Wilmington because local males are prone to high blood pressure, the city has high rates of aggravated assault and workplace-related violence, traffic congestion and speeding citations statewide.
But that's all poppycock. How many work-related violent deaths do you recall in the city within recent memory?
We're ticked because statewide statistics are being lumped into the city's profile.But what irritates our overly sensitive antennae the most is that questionable research is proffered as respectable science.
Sure, crime is an increasing problem in Wilmington, but is it bad enough to get ranked 21 points higher than Philadelphia? In the City of Brotherly Love last month, Mayor John Street had to take to the public airways to reassure frightened residents while the pace of shooting deaths there soared beyond record levels. Philadelphia also lost its bid for the 2008 Olympics.
We don't hate Philly, but come on. ... We're too angry to continue.