Look at these numbers:
DEMOCRATIC PARTY KAREN HARTLEY-NAGLE 34879 1115 35994 55 . 4 % MICHEAL MILLER 21913 480 22393 34 . 5 % JERRY W. NORTHINGTON 6286 323 6609 10 . 1 %
DEMOCRATIC PARTY JOHN CARNEY 35165 947 36112 48 . 8 % JACK MARKELL 36622 1227 37849 51 . 2 %
The columns are machine, absentee, and total.
There were a total of 64,966 votes cast in the race to be sacrificial lamb against Castle.
There were a total of 73,961 votes cast in what is effectively the gubernatorial race for the next term (Lee hasn't a ghost of a chance).
So there about 15% of D primary voters don't care who runs against Castle, or else didn't vote since they are voting Castle in the general anyway.
Even among folks who went to the trouble of obtaining an absentee ballot, there were 2174 absentee ballot votes in the gubernatorial primary, compared to 1918 votes in the congressional primary.
If I had time to sit around with a paper ballot someplace, I'd probably at least figure out a preference instead of undervoting. Wouldn't you?