We have the opportunity to not only take away a Republican seat but also to decide if we will be represented by a Progressive Democrat or a Corporate Democrat. This primary could well decide which direction our party will take. Will our goals and values continued to be ignored because too many Democrats vote with the Republicans or will we actually make the changes this country needs.
This race is almost identical to the Donna Edwards. My primary competition has a long record of running as a Democrat BUT acting like a Republican. She, like Republicans are financed by special interests such as developers and insurance companies. The first six years she did not sponsor or cosponsor a single bill. When she did start to work one of the first bills she cosponsored was a resolution supporting Bush and the Iraq war. While we were working towards election integrity, she was silent.
I realize that there are a lot of candidates that are asking for your support, but if all of our past supporters could contribute just $5, we will be able to win and bring about real change. Please click on the five dollar bill below and help us bring real change for this country.
My campaign has always been focused on the individual citizen and seeking legislation that actually provides opportunities for them to improve their lives. I have refused to “go along to get along” with the special interest groups and lobbyists that write the big checks to buy their access to elected officials. I believe the citizens of the district should always come first and have direct access to their congressman. Please make a contribution today.
Thank you for all you have done. We are on the verge of taking this country back and it would not have happened without all of us banding together.
Clint Curtis
Thanks again,
ClintCurtis {at}