EMERGENCY ACTION FOR FLORIDIANS:This morning at 10 AM, the Florida Taxation and Budget Commission will meet to vote on two major provisions to put directly onto the November 08 ballot that will gut the 140 year-old provision in our State Constitution that guarantees the separation of church and state; it will also allow for the resurrection of religious school vouchers which allow for discrimination based on religion and will destroy our public school system.
This committee is packed with unelected ideologues of Jeb Bush and Speaker Marco Rubio.
The Florida Supreme Court has already stuck down Bush's voucher initiative as unconstitutional; however, this has not stopped the efforts of Jeb Bush and his operatives from finding yet another way to push it into our constitution by utilizing this Budget and Reform Commission.
Please go to the web site of the People For The American Way to send e-mails with one simple click to all the members of the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission.
Help Save Florida's Religious Protection Clause from the Chopping Block
Right-wing members of the Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission are pushing a ballot initiative that, if successful, would amend the Florida Constitution to weaken the separation of church and state. Tell them NO.
Action link here Or you can call the
Taxation and Budget Commission at 850 921-8905.